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Affy Varona
1 day ago2 min read
Word-Perfect Workout
A fellow actress I met at a workshop reached out to me earlier this year with an idea. If I were willing, we could meet twice a week to...

Affy Varona
Mar 42 min read
7:30am Habit
I've been reading *The 5 AM Club* by Robin Sharma. I'm not halfway through yet, but I'm getting an idea of what it's about: starting my...

Affy Varona
Feb 141 min read
New Headshot 🥰
I’m feeling pretty excited about my new headshots. My session with Karolina Turek was more than just a photo shoot; it was an empowering...

Affy Varona
Feb 121 min read
Hello Again
What. A. Month. I didn't complete my pre-2025 reading list successfully. But I did read the two that were must's for me before starting...

Affy Varona
Dec 7, 20241 min read
Hustling Through December
These past few weeks have been super busy! Between diving into new scripts—sometimes two a week—keeping up with my gym routine, and...

Affy Varona
Nov 30, 20242 min read
What do you want to shoot for?
This  week, I've been feeling under the weather and spent a lot of time in bed with warm mugs of Ovaltine and cozy blankets. I immersed...

Affy Varona
Nov 23, 20241 min read
Books Unboxed: My Year-End Reading Plan
Last week, I took a closer look at my collection of performing arts and creative writing books that have been waiting on my shelf. Now, I...

Affy Varona
Nov 17, 20242 min read
Taking It from Page to Performance
This week, I found myself staring at the bookshelf in my room. Unlike the one in my living room, filled with historical fiction, crime...

Affy Varona
Nov 9, 20242 min read
Which wolf will you feed?
This gloomy autumn morning, I woke up feeling heavy. I hadn’t heard back from a project I was excited about, and self-doubt sneaked in. I...

Affy Varona
Nov 3, 20241 min read
Crafting My Comeback: Welcome to the First Post on My Revamped Website
I'm super excited to share my journey as I dive back into the industry after taking a break from auditions last year. I decided to use...
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